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Facial Nerve Foramen

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The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of neck. Details; From: facial nerve: Innervates: cheek: Identifiers; Latin: rami buccales nervi facialis

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The facial nerve is one of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the peripheral nervous system. It is the seventh cranial nerve, and so is often referred to as cranial nerve VII or simply CN VII. Nerve signals from the cranial nerve play important roles in sensing taste as well as controlling the

Asymmetry of facial expression is common with unilateral lesions of the facial nucleus or nerve in most species. Bilateral facial paralysis may be more difficult to recognize, but affected s drool and have a dull facial expression. Complete facial paralysis is an inability to move the eyelids

The anatomy of facial nerve has already been discussed in detail earlier. It is essential to have proper knowledge of anatomy to understand this section of clinical examination of facial nerve.

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SYNONYMS: Cranial nerve seven (VII), Nervus facialis COURSE OF FACIAL NERVE Supranuclear pathways 1. Somatomotor cortex: controlling motor component of facial nerve lies in precentral gyrus (Broadmann area 4,6,8) 2.

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Converts normal numbers to roman digits, and vice versa

Structure. The foramen rotundum is one of the several circular apertures (the foramina) located in the base of the skull, in the anterior and medial part of the sphenoid bone.

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Embryology of the facial nerve Weeks 0-4-3rd wk : facioacoustic (acousticofacial) primordium -4th wk : chorda tympani nerve exits rostrally and courses ventrally to the first pharyngeal pouch to enter

Muscles of Facial Expression Frontalis –Elevates eyebrows –Wrinkles forehead –Innervation Temporal branch of Facial nerve

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The facial nerve is one of the key cranial nerves with a complex and broad range of functions. Although at first glance it is the motor nerve of facial expression which begins as a trunk and emerges from the parotid gland as five branches (see f

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